Show 1 to 12 (from 20 articles)
BasisBibel. Bilingual - The Gospel of Luke (pack of 10) 0958
UBS-Code: not available
ISBN/GTIN: 978-3-438-00958-6
ISBN/GTIN: 978-3-438-00958-6
BasisBibel. The convenient edition. Violet 0900
UBS-Code: not available
ISBN/GTIN: 978-3-438-00900-5
ISBN/GTIN: 978-3-438-00900-5
BasisBibel. The Gospel of Luke German+Arabic (pack of 10) 0931
UBS-Code: not available
ISBN/GTIN: 978-3-438-00931-9
ISBN/GTIN: 978-3-438-00931-9
Edition with hymns and texts by Martin Luther (with Apocrypha) 3307
UBS-Code: not available
ISBN/GTIN: 978-3-438-03307-9
ISBN/GTIN: 978-3-438-03307-9
Gute Nachricht Bibel – cloth-bound classic edition 1739
UBS-Code: not available
ISBN/GTIN: 978-3-438-01739-0
ISBN/GTIN: 978-3-438-01739-0