SlimBibel 1732
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Die SlimBibel ist besonders geeignet für:
- Bibelleserinnen und Bibelleser, die die Bibel leicht und kompakt dabeihaben wollen
- Reisende
- Fans ungewöhnlicher Bibelausgaben
Die SlimBibel auf einen Blick:
- Die wahrscheinlich dünnste deutsche Bibel
- Kompakt und leicht
- Innovatives Design
- Interkonfessionelle Bibelübersetzung
- Preisgünstige Ausgabe
This Bible is only about 1.8 cm thin. It’s hard to believe that it contains the Gute Nachricht Bibel translation of all texts of the Old and New Testaments! How is this possible? It does away with everything that makes a Bible thick and bulky, leaving only the essentials: chapter and verse numbers, headings, and of course the text itself. It’s designed to take up a minimum of space, but it’s surprisingly easy to read.
The "Gute Nachricht Bibel" is a modern translation which carries the word of God in our time. It helps the people of today to find their own personal access to the Bible- and that beyond all denominational borders: So far the "Gute Nachricht Bibel" has been the only German translation which completely resulted from a cooperation of the Protestant Church, the Catholic Church and the Free Churches.
The "Gute Nachricht" translation has a communicative aim. Thus, in order to make the content and facts easier to understand, it renounces a literal accordance with the Hebrew and Greek original text. Instead it expresses the sense of the original text as accuarately as possible. Therefore it is perfectly suitable for all those who are looking for a clearly understandable Bible in a modern language.“